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Donate a Goat--Help a Family
The Rotary Club of Carpinteria in conjunction with the Carpinteria Rotary Charitable Foundation, Inc. and Heifer International, will utilize your donation to sponsor the purchase, transport, and training in the raising of goats to an Ecuadorian family in need. On smaller farms goats are often the key to a family's survival. Goats can produce up to four gallons of milk per day and being easily digested, provides nutrition to the family. Ideal for raising on smaller plots of land, their natural curiosity and intelligence makes them great pets for families with children. Along with the training and education in goat care, each gift of a goat boosts family income through sales of extra goat milk. The milk can be used to make cheese, also increasing family income which in turn may provide an opportunity for children to attend school. A additional benefit from a goats proverbial appetite is the clearing of the grazing area and production of fertilizer both of which contribute to higher crop yields. Goats are a very versatile, productive, and friendly gift.  Thank you for your donation on behalf of all the beneficiaries. ​​​​​​
Click on our friendly goat below to make your donation to help a family in need. Families are identified by Heifer International, a humanitarian non-profit organization specializing in providing live stock to families in need to benefit nutrition, income, and education. Your donation will be managed by our processing partner, 100% of your donation goes to Heifer International. Zeffy provides donation management at no charge but will ask you to consider a small elective donation to cover their costs. The debit from your debit or credit card will be managed by Stripe, a multinational payment server based in San Francisco.
Click on our goat to make your donation.
Click on our goat to make your donation.  THANK YOU!