Feb 12, 2015
Jessica Kolbe, Qigong Guide
Quigong Tai Chi

Qigong (pronounced chee-gung), is the practice of energy cultivation, Ancient Chinese exercises developed 2000 years ago for the health of our bodies, minds, emotions and our spiritual natures.  Slow,meditative exercises stretch our bodies, soothe the nervous system and bring peace to our minds.

Tai Chi (pronounced tie-chee), is a choreographed form of Qigong that focuses on balance and harmony for our bodies, and  in our everyday lives.

Both Tai Chi and Qigong are ancient Chinese exercises that promote optimal health, vitality and longevity.  The exercises greatly reduce stress of all kinds and gives the practitioner a sense of peace and happiness.  Qigong and Tai Chi improves physical health, mental, emotional health and balance.

Go to www.QigongSB.com for more information.